Security Concierge Service

Delta is a trusted provider of concierge services in Brighton, Crawley, Haywards Heath, Chichester, Worthing and across East and West Sussex.

Concierge Services In Brighton, Crawley And Across Sussex

With a wealth of experience in security services for businesses, schools and public buildings, our trained security professionals deliver a respectful, approachable and efficient concierge service.

Able to offer customer assistance, in addition to surveillance, our concierge professionals are usually front-of-house. From here they are able to greet customers as well as be in a position to protect property and those based in and around the building.

What Does A Concierge Do?

Prevention is the best form of security and the presence of a concierge is an effective deterrent to both planned and opportunistic crimes. Especially in residential buildings, such as apartment blocks, where a concierge ensures the building is accessed only by residents and their guests.

In addition, a security concierge may also

●       Take deliveries

●       Help visitors sign in

●       Monitor other security surveillance

●       Check bags

●       Respond to calls for assistance

●       Respond to alarms

●       Liaise with emergency services

●       Provide or deny access to areas of the building

Our trained concierge professionals are friendly, helpful and highly competent. Yet, they are also trained security guards who are experienced in what to look out for when protecting premises. They may also provide keyholding, patrolling and CCTV monitoring services.

Concierge Services For Sussex Businesses

Our concierge service is most commonly utilised by businesses in Sussex, as well as public buildings such as libraries, council buildings, event and exhibition centres and local county courts. In addition, we offer concierge services for residential buildings, museums, galleries, hotels and any other places where an approachable and respectful security solution is required.

Find Out More About Our Concierge Service

A concierge presence in your residential, public or commercial property can enable you to provide abetter service to your clients, residents and guests, as well as offer peace of mind and secure the safety of those in and around the building.

To find out more about Delta’s concierge services in Sussex, please get in touch and we can discuss the various options.

How can we help you

Bespoke Security services in Sussex

Security Guarding

In demand and protecting a wide range of assignments across Sussex and Surrey. Our professional, well trained and highly effective team are ready to protect your business.

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Keyholding & Response

Using your staff to attend out of hours alarm activations can be a risky business. Our Keyholding and Response service helps you and your team to sleep better at night.

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Mobile Patrol

Disrupt and deter criminal elements who may target your business.Our mobile patrols provide cost effective peace of mind.

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School Protection

Ensuring the greatest levels of security to schools across
Surrey and Sussex, using our 25 years experience in security services.

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Fully Licensed for
your Peace of Mind

All of our Operatives hold valid, current front line licences as issued by the Security Industry Authority (known as the S.I.A.) This means that they have been trained, tested, assessed and had numerous background checks to ensure that they are suitable to hold such important status in our industry.

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